Rivers Street Cafe will be open all night this Wednesday and Thursday for Reading Days. Meal plan holders can swipe in to enjoy hot coffee, cold soda and your study group as you head into finals. Dinner and Breakfast menues will be available during normal schedule. Beverages only will be available during extended hours. Campus Dining will consider it a "free swipe" if you swipe in between 10:30 pm and 7:30 am so it won’t count against your max swipes per day. For students without a meal plan, the cost will be $8.00. We accept Dining Dollars, Campus Cash, Visa, MasterCard and Discover payment methods. We are cheering for each of you! Good Luck on your exams. River Street Cafe will return to normal hours on Friday Dec. 9th. Bring your charging cords, ethernet, refillable mug and your earbuds. Rivers Street will continue to close daily for cleaning between 2:30 pm and 4:00 pm.