These resources are for staff members that are currently employed by App State Campus Dining.
If you are seeking a job, visit our Employment page to view part-time and full-time opportunities.
The Initial Notification of Incident Form is to be completed for any campus incident.
Employees can access Confluence manuals Here.
Position Action Request Form
This form is designed to initiate the process to add positions or back fill positions in Campus Dining.
Employee Scheduling Resource
All employee scheduling is handled through When to Work employee accounts that are established during the hiring process.
Maintenance Request Form
Please submit the Maintenance Request Form to request work orders from our maintenance team.
TransAct Support Link
Use the TransAct Support Link to access the customer portal.
Contract Request Form
Please complete the Contract Request Form for any internal contract approvals.
Campus Dining Request for Donation Form
Please have a Campus Dining Request for Donation Form submitted for any requests made by student organizations, departments or external inquiries.